The Ukulele Project Workshops
Dead Man's Uke + Andrew Molina
Entry Requirements: 18+ after 7pm
2-2:45pm Beginner Workshops with The Ukulele Project Our passion is to offer fun, engaging, inspiring events for multiply generations where everyone feels welcome and leaves with enormous smiles on their faces having made a friend or two. All whilst raising money to offer more classes and ukuleles to community groups, schools and libraries.
3-4pm Andrew Molina Ukulele virtuoso Andrew Molina is visiting the UK from Hawaii so this is a rare opportunity to learn from him. His workshop will be:
Chord Thread System "Andrew will introduce an easy to digest and practical approach to unlocking and memorizing all your chord shapes for Major and Minor Chords. Improving chord vocabulary is one of Andrew’s favorite topics to teach and his system has been helping his students worldwide. After learning this approach, you will be attending your future jam sessions with confidence and a bunch of new chord options in your arsenal."
4:30-5:30pm Dead Man’s Uke Tim and Jake Smithies are fantastic teachers and this is a NEW workshop for 2024:
Everything I Know I Learnt from Glen Campbell
“Learn some turnarounds and tricks that you can use to enhance your playing as well as a classic country tune… All from an old record we’ve had for years. Be More Glen."
*IMPORTANT when you purchase a ticket you will be emailed a receipt. Your name and number of guests will be added to a list at the door. NO NEED TO PRINT A TICKET, let’s save trees!