AN EVENING WITH FRIENDS: Rosie O, Saara Kaldma, Gertrud and Fabrizio Toccaceli & TTS
Rosie O + Saara Kaldma + Gertrud + Fabrizio Toccaceli and TTS
Entry Requirements: 18+ after 7pm
AN EVENING WITH FRIENDS brings together a group of driven and passionate friends to collectively deliver the music of the four emerging artists.
The family feel evening will take the audience through a unique musical experience, where the multi dimensional artist Rosie O will win the crowd with her thought provoking ambient jazzy writing, Saara Kaldma’s smooth emotion-driven vocals vibe the audience through her RnB and soul influenced nordic roots, Gertrud’s 90s influenced feel-good grooves and soulful vocals will make the bootys bop, and Fabrizio’s snappy guitar riffs and catchy melodies will have the room dancing to a classic rock trio setting.
We are very excited for the beginning of this endeavor and welcome you to an unmissable night!
Find out more about the event
Find out more about the artists
Rosie O -
Saara Kaldma -
Gertrud Aasaroht -
Fabrizio Toccaceli & TTS -