+ FabianJack + New Ash Green + Luminol
Entry Requirements: 18+ after 7pm
BAUPLAN are a rock quartet that has been together for just over a year, but are already getting great responses from audiences across London. Their distinctive guitar/keys sound is both modern and retro, eliciting comparisons to Squeeze and the Attractions. Their songs are big and bold and stick in your head for days.
Wilkie - drums, Didge - bass/vox, Li Gunn - keys/vox, TC - guitar/vox.
FabianJack are a London-based lively five-piece indie rock outfit. Formed in late 2016, they offer an energetic live performance with an uptempo vibe and catchy melodies. The band make clear references to rock and dance music a like, with a touch of 80's influence. They released their first single, 'It All Starts Here', in November 2017, following their third live, sold out London show. Their songs are "eclectic and fun".
New Ash Green was formed 2016. The band has five members creating a blend of chorus and reverb drenched, shimmery songs that bring to mind The Chameleons, Cocteau Twins, R.E.M and The Smiths.
Luminol are a noisy/delicate/loud/quiet trio who write songs with big choruses. Influences: Radiohead, Smashing Pumpkins, Sparklehorse.